Sexy Actress Elisha Cuthbert

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Smouldering Canadian star of the hit show '24' Elisha Cuthbert regularly features in FHM and Maxim magazines' annual Top 100 Sexiest lists and she sure as hell has the pin-up looks to deserve it.

Elisha was born in Calgary, Alberta, on 30 November 1982, but her family moved to Longueuil, near Montreal, where she was raised and became a fluent French as well as English speaker. She began modelling children's clothes from the age of seven and, as a teen, became well-known in Canada as co-host of the Canadian children's television series Popular Mechanics for Kids. Her reporting style caught the eye of then US First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, who invited her to Washington for an interview.

Elisha Cuthbert landed her first role in a feature film in the family drama Dancing On The Moon. Several other Canadian-produced movie roles followed before, at age 17, Elisha headed south to Hollywood. Just five weeks later, she landed the plum role of Kim Bauer, daughter of CTU agent Jack Bauer, in what would become Fox's smash-hit action-thriller television series 24 - a role she's played across four of five series.

Elisha's feature movie debut came as the lead in the 2004 movie The Girl Next Door, where she played an ex-porn star. More movies are coming thick and fast. Sexy Elisha is a huge ice hockey fan - her mother and brother play on hockey teams in Canada - and she writes a blog for called 'Hollywood Hockey Thoughts'.

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